shampoo for hair colored or streaked. Enriched with Honey and Vitamin E antioxidant helps to maintain over time the i...
Smoothing Shampoo. Enriched with Cotton Oil, cleanses and nourishes the hair, making it easier to smoothing and elimi...
Volumizing shampoo for fine hair and without tone . Enriched with Wheat Protein and a mix of Exotic Fruits, gently cle...
shampoo for curly, wavy and permed. Its specific formula enriched with milk Gardenia and moisturizing panthenol and f...
adjuvant Shampoo with Chilli extract and trace elements. It purifies and revitalizes the scalp with energizing and to...
anti-dandruff shampoo. Ideal for sensitive skin and impure. Enriched with extracts of Orange and Lemon purifying acti...
Sebo regulating shampoo for oily hair and scalp Formulated with extracts of birch, olive oil and Limnanthes Alba, its...
anti-yellowing shampoo for bleached hair or gray. Formulated with silk proteins and extracts of grape marc, It tones ...
Pro-Age Shampoo with Argan Oil. Particularly suitable for color-treated hair, dull and lifeless, acts as an effective...
Restorative shampoo for damaged hair. It gently cleanses the hair exploited by chemical treatments and weakened by atmos...
Regenerating and moisturizing shampoo enriched with Cherry Blossom extract. It cleanses, nourishes and hydrates the ha...
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