fixación forte A laca Allwaves, unha fixación forte, dá un efecto definitivo de acabado salón profesional. No mol...
laca ECOLÓXICA - NO GAS - con D- pantenol fixación normal (botella azul) fixación forte (cilindro vermello) Por fa...
Produto clásico Demeral de alta calidade. Para obter unha fixación uniforme sen mollar, peso ou deixar residuos e é ...
EXTRA VOLUME SPRAY A máis nova liña SEMPRE @ ESTILO Everline. Os produtos que compoñen a liña son altamente espec...
spray de cabelo unha forte hold Hairspray e alta resistencia. Grazas a un polímero específico contido nel permite efe...
Un spray a base de alcohol para aplicarse no cabelo mollado para dar brillovolume e soporte para calquera tipo de dobra...
pulverizado aveludado bifásico que implica a estrutura do cabelo cunha película uniforme protexendo e dando brillo, m...
laca fixo- eco normal e forte Laca sen gas que deixa o pelo suave e lixeiro, seca rapidamente e non deixa residuos. Apr...
Sen verniz gas que ofrece fixación instantánea e unha selado longa vida garante un gran confort no uso. Grazas á fó...
A fórmula profesional de ALPIANE garante un alto rendemento, xa que contén só puro produto e permite o uso prolongad...
gama completa de verniz profesionais para crear e asegurar peiteado perfecto. Ultimate máxima adherencia Nova f...
Spray de Calor Protección é a innovación máis avanzado en tecnoloxía para protección contra altas temperaturas. A...
onda Spray é un produto que hidrata profundamente, resiste á humidade e súa fórmula hidrata con acios de coco e ond...
Blow Out spray protexe o cabelo de altas temperaturas e secas tarxeta e raios UV. Os ingredientes, o xenxibre, lírio b...
Sea Salt spray crea aparencia suave e fácil de usar cun efecto mate da tendencia. O complexo Enviroshield innovador, u...
spray Protein contén unha mestura hidratante de xasmín, ervilha doce, vainilla e soia, que protexe o cabelo das altas...
Extrema Manteña Hairspray é un spray de acabado altamente protectora á acción que garante selado máis tempo. Este ...
Manteña e Gloss spray fai o pelo liso e dá brillo instantáneo con aceite de aguacate. Para unha selado compacta, per...
Hairspray contén pro- vitamina B5 e axentes aire fontes naturais para protexer e selar efectivamente brillante. Conté...
Spray de Brillo transforma cabelo sen brillo nun ollar superchic grazas ao bambú, figo, equinácea e zimbro. O complex...
brillar mixto é un produto versátil, axeitado para todo tipo de cabelo. Vaporiza un spray case impalpável uniformeme...
detangles e hidrata o pelo ao mesmo tempo protexer cor. El veda a superficie do cabelo tornándose a suave tarifas. A s...
dá unha maior sensación de suavidade, brillo máis pronunciados anti- frizz e mellores resultados en comparación con...
O producto foi probado en comparación con cabelo sen tratamento e os resultados mostraron unha mellor valo, mellor efe...
styling spray caracterizado pola alta adherencia e un brillo refinado. Unha ferramenta indispensable para o estilo que ...
Estate leve a fortepero sen peso. Esta pulverización é case impalpável composto por partículas microfinas e permite...
A fusión perfecta entre a forza de un po mineral de texturado e da suavidade de algodón necesaria para xerar un volum...
fixación garante un doce e encorpado. Dá volume e definición efecto de longa duración co natural e brillante. caix...
laca SPRAY FORTE Un spray e da dobra é perfecto para o día. Non pesar o pelo e fai que sexa pegajosa. El resiste a ...
Ideal para protexer todos os estilos de pelo. Mantén movéndose a delicada. A súa formulación especial fixo sen deix...
liña System Professional Styling inclúe 9 referencias valiosa para unha mirada escintilante. A exclusiva tecnoloxía ...
Who We Are is the only provider specialized in hair fashion. With more than 25.000 visitors per day and translated in 38 languages, we can help you improving your Site's Position on the Search Engines Results. There is no doubt that our high position, certified by Alexa/Amazon (55.751 in the World and 2.261 in Italy), will allow you to rise the rank due to 25.000 visits on our website per day. Since has 1600 domains in the network, it's one of the top ranking sites among all those working in our field, so, adding your link to our web portal will promote general visibility of your page. Consequently, your website will increase its position placement in search engines. Our professional web is what you are looking for. We have more than 17.000 contacts of International Suppliers (Wholesalers and Distributors), 20.000 contacts of Italian hairstylists, 94.000 contacts of International Hairstylists and Exhibitions, 3.000 of Italian and International Companies' contacts, you can use through our DEM (Direct Email Marketing) to 'talk' to the world. We can create a Spot page directly linked to your personal Website to help you increasing your business and visibility. In the Spot there will be a section called MyNEWS, that we update with your adv material every three weeks. Our Spots are user friendly, responsive, they can be seen on every technological device (smartphone, iPhone, iPad, tablet), they are realized in html5 and they are SEO oriented. We can realize your personalized App in which you can communicate to your clients your promotions, new collections, info about your Salon and news from the Fashion world. Our App is supported both by iOS and Android. We can support you through our Social Networks: 30 Facebook Pages dedicated to the Hair and Fashion World daily updated. An Instagram profile daily updated with the best international creations of the most famous Hairstylists coming from all over the world. If you think your new Hairfashion Collection is what we are looking for, you can send your high res pics to us, with the complete credits and we will publish them on our CUBE magazine and online on our portal in the Hair Collection Section, if chosen by our artistic director. GLOBElife is also a Publishing House and we have different printed magazine: BeautyBazar is the only encyclopedic catalog that includes all of the best professional products, fornitures and accessories. You can buy a page in our catalog to sponsor your professional products, a coated adv page and a box in which to include your address if you are a wholesaler. STILEcapelli, our high fashion magazine, a collection of the best international hair creations realized by the most famous hairdresser all over the world, in which you can buy a short article in the 'Galà delle Novità' section to talk about yours luxury goodies. BeautyBazar Fashion, a short magazine in which you can have your four personalized covers, realized by our graphic designer with your photos and adv materials. If you represent an Exhibition and you are looking for a media sponsor, is your gold mine: we are already the Official Web Sponsor of Alternative Hair Show (UK) and Media Sponsor of: Salon International (London UK), Salon Look (Madrid ES), Show Positivo (Madrid ES), Expo Beauty Show (Mexico City MX), Cosmoprof (IT), On Hair (IT) and so many others. We can promote your Exhibition from the beginning by including your Banner on our Homepage, your Fair in our 'Today' Section, sending a DEM to our Database, posting your news on our Social Networks and writing an article in our Online Journal Gossip&News, a daily updated space in which you can find the latest novelties from the Hair and Fashion world. If you join the Network, please contact us by sending an email to or calling us , GLOBElife is looking forward to meet you!
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